Sunday, December 20, 2009

China Summer 09'

So my father has been workin in China since the mid 90's and my older siblings have all visited. China was always something "familiar" to me simply because I have always heard about the culture but have never personally experienced it first hand. My past month experience in China was one that I will surely not forget. My family moved to Beijing for the year and I hope that the following photographs tell a bit of what an amazing country it truly is and how kind the people can be.

Places visited: Beijing, Lijiang, Shangri La, Baija, Tiger Leeping Gorge

One of my first days in Beijing, my mother took me to the Lama Temple.

I thought the contrast of the holiness of the Lama Temple and this chick's t-shirt was hilarious. This reminds me of the Israelis who buy those extremely vulgar t-shirts from companies like TNT and have no idea what they even mean!
A little taste of the value 1.4 Billion. Beijing traffic makes L.A. look like an open freeway
Some baller locals in the area of the Lama Temple that let me put my 10 mm lens in their faces. Sorry guys!

Good night

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